Monday, December 19, 2011

Body of Work

created distinctive new modes of experiencing and thinking about time and space. From 1880 to the end of World War I the world saw the most profound and striking explosion of industrialization urbanization, migration, transportation, economic rationalization, bureaucratization, military mechanization,mass consumption, mass amusement, and mass consumerism. A time of sweeping changes in technology and culture.

During the 1800s, artistic practice seemed to expand without limit, encompassing a wider variety of subjects, greater opportunities for the exhibition and sale of art, new publishing methods for reproductions and illustrations, and the convenient manufacturing of artist's materials. The foundation of artistic training from the Renaissance forward, drawing retained a fundamental role through the 1800s. The photographs in this body of work exemplify and contrast the 19th-century negotiation between tradition and innovation, revealing how the practice of drawing benefited from and advanced the developments of artistic modernity for years to come.

Clothing supplied by Stacey @ Fancy Disaster Vintage: 
Thank you to everyone for you help and support with this project.

All original prints are for sale, please email for details.


  1. Since this series is in Black and White FIlm they are so much more rich in person. I will be showing January 7th at Celine's house in downtown long beach. For details please contact me.

  2. Super Duper! I get back the day before :)

  3. Change of Plans, I will be showing instead on January 7th at The Speakeasy Gallery in Long Beach. If interested I will send an invite. If I am not your friend on Facebook then send me your contact so you can get all the details.
