Monday, December 19, 2011

Body of Work

created distinctive new modes of experiencing and thinking about time and space. From 1880 to the end of World War I the world saw the most profound and striking explosion of industrialization urbanization, migration, transportation, economic rationalization, bureaucratization, military mechanization,mass consumption, mass amusement, and mass consumerism. A time of sweeping changes in technology and culture.

During the 1800s, artistic practice seemed to expand without limit, encompassing a wider variety of subjects, greater opportunities for the exhibition and sale of art, new publishing methods for reproductions and illustrations, and the convenient manufacturing of artist's materials. The foundation of artistic training from the Renaissance forward, drawing retained a fundamental role through the 1800s. The photographs in this body of work exemplify and contrast the 19th-century negotiation between tradition and innovation, revealing how the practice of drawing benefited from and advanced the developments of artistic modernity for years to come.

Clothing supplied by Stacey @ Fancy Disaster Vintage: 
Thank you to everyone for you help and support with this project.

All original prints are for sale, please email for details.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Cambodia town in Long Beach California

Cambodia Town, Long Beach CA.
A Field Trip with CSUF Communications for Project Cambodia
Wat Vipaasanaram  Temple

Friday, November 11, 2011

Color where there is none

 I went camping alone in Joshua Tree, stayed in Jumbo Rock and brought artificial color to the desert where most things are brown.  It was my birthday Nov 3, which made this trip symbolic as I woke up with 99 balloons on my tent.  Note: it is okay to go alone seeking quiet time, you are much more approachable alone however, so the quiet time is actually hard to find.

Monday, November 7, 2011


The world’s financial crisis creates increasing tensions every second.  While thousands of activists are occupying across the nation demonstrating their angst over corporate greed and the state of our poor economy many people are still trying to survive the harsh situations.  The suffering economy broods breaking families apart.  College Graduates, hard working professionals, tradesmen and women alike are unemployed, losing homes, marriages and in many cases lives.  If you Google “man kills his family due to economy” the results are breathtaking.  While this is not new news, there are hundreds of headlines reading “Man kills his family and himself over the Market, over loosing his job, over his financial debt, over having to pay more child support.” What causes a man/father/husband to snap? This collage project explores just that while actively paying respect to those innocent people whose lives were lost in such distortion of perspective, especially those of Salon Meritage.

© 2011
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